Monday, August 26, 2013

Norman Rockwell Study

This was primarily a color study of Norman Rockwell's Watchmaker done entirely in Gimp.  I'm pretty happy with the way it came out especially since I didn't use the color picker and I limited myself to the basic hard-edge round brush.  But at one and a half hours (spread of two lunch breaks) I think it took too long.  I had to rework a few areas several times because I rushed into them carelessly.  But in the end, that's what this practice is for!

And the original:

Monday, August 19, 2013

Some Older Fantasy Art

I did these about 3 years ago, but I still like them enough to share.  Enjoy!

I had found a 10-year-old Crayola watercolor set in my house and decided to try painting with it.  Obviously the back of the dragon is a little dark and messy, but overall  I was surprised at what was possible with essentially a child's coloring toy.

This is a character from Spencer's Faerie Queen called Maleger.  He had a trick where as long as he could touch the land, he was able to regenerate himself.  He ended up getting defeated by being thrown into a lake.  He is described as being so big that his toes dragged along the ground as he rode his tiger.

I found a cool step-by-step GIF that I put together for this guy.  I love these.

This is just fan art of Usagi Yojimbo.  Usagi and the tokage (lizard creature) were copied from the back of one of his books, while the background was made up.  I was practicing with a crow quill pen for this one.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Some Cartoons

Golfing in a senior's community in Arizona . . . man those guys were impatient.

Caricature of a man I saw on the side of the road speaking to a kid.

After twenty minutes, but before an hour into any of his movies.
(He loses the shirt after an hour.)

Turns out they don't look like this.

Isn't art supposed to elevate your mind and make you happy?  At least in the Dutch Masters' section?  Then why did so many people look like this?

Unfinished idea, but I'm pretty sure these little farts exist.

Ran into this kid learning to walk a massive poodle one morning on the way to work.